Kings College Reception desk Richlite recycled paper Little Tahoma

King's College

student union design

Students at Kings College can now enjoy some of the best facilities in London at the new KCLSU bar, cafe and student centre on the Guy's Campus. LTS Architects worked with KCLSU to create new activity rooms for sports, dance, studying and social space as well as state-of-the-art teaching facilities for the college’s Grade II Listed Guy's Hospital campus. The West Wing houses several remarkable multi-use spaces designed with student input. Richlite Little Tahoma is used throughout the students’ union, with its layered edge detail in the reception, shared kitchen, and meeting and activity rooms. Black Diamond wall panels create depth and make for a striking contrast against the light timber and carpet floors and brightly coloured furniture.


Kings College London Student Union, West Wing


LTS Architects


Work surfaces, desk tops, wall panelling + joinery


Richlite Little Tahoma


Kings College London, UK

Kings College reception desk Richlite recycled paper Little Tahoma
Kings College reception entry Richlite Little Tahoma frame detail
Kings College wall panels Richlite recycled paper