Tables, plinths, stands and displays made from Richlite Redstone in the National gallery Portico shop.

National Gallery

The Portico shop

Lumsden Design crafts a multi-sensory experience in the Portico shop at the National Gallery, focusing on engagement and inspiration. The adaptable layout features tables, cabinetry and counters constructed with recycled paper composite panels. Adding drama, texture to the point of sale displays, the Richlite material lends an immersive showcase of the retail products. Using complementary warm, earthy colours such as Redstone, Rainer, Chocolate Glacier and Maple Valley the leathery surfaces enhance engagement and appreciation of the shop.


National Gallery


Lumsden Design


Realm Projects


Retail display, cashwrap + plinths


Richlite Chocolate Glacier, Maple Valley, Redstone + Cascade Rainier


London, UK


Daniel Sellam

Richlite Rainer table in the National Gallery Portico shop, being used for displaying shop items
Richlite Redstone cashwrap made from paper used at The National Gallery Museum. Till point in merlot colour with a leathery suede finish.
Browns Point and Maple Valley furniture for the National Gallery Portico shop with a focus on leathery paper surface finish
Richlite Chocolate Glacier sorting table at the Portico shop in the National Gallery musuem