Dynamic panels
Newly reimagined displays and shelving for the Amir Mohtashemi exhibition stand at TEFAF. Augustus Brown Architects designed the original shelving units for the gallery. Working with Matt Hope Design to reuse the existing shelf carcass and bring new life to the piece, with multidimensional Shaped Ripple, panels made by deep relief routing into recycled paper composite. The Shaped back panels and cabinetry doors add to the immersive experience of the vibrant ceramic pieces on display and keep the exhibition interchangeable for different exhibitions and valuable forever.
Project | A. Mohtashemi TEFAF |
Design | Agustus Brown Architects / Matt Hope Design |
Fabrication | Matt Hope Design |
Application | Museum display cabinets |
Material | Shaped Ripple Richlite Black Diamond |
Location | TEFAF Maastricht, NL |
Photograpy | Matt Hope Design |